Scope of Business 業務範圍

Gift Gallery 禮品廊 


Digital Studio 數碼影室 

Public Notices 法律公告

Customer Info 顧客資訊

On Business 在商言商

business world營 生乏術,又豈能奢談理想, 何妨先登入有關我們商業服務的網頁, 看看我們的業務.

Without business, we won't be able to keep the web going. For more information about our business services, click the above links to visit our web pages.

Travel Tips 交通提示

Travel Tips and Hunghom Map

If you're in Hong Kong, why don't you visit us in person? Here're some travel tips. Just click on the above icon you'll find the way to come to our gift shop or workshop.

Site Search 搜尋本網站

Input Keyword to Search our site 輸入搜尋字串搜尋本網站

Custom Search for


saving money獨 樂樂不如眾樂樂,在商也可不言商
Sharing with Us, click the following links to enjoy our special offer or free services. 

newly released為提升環保及愛護大自然意識,我們設計了多個系列的09年年曆,採用我們 拍攝的自然風景及生物為背景,供公眾人仕免費下載及使用。
For the promotion of conservation of environment, we created a few series of 09 calendars with photographs of nature selected from our imagebank for free download and even non-profit making purpose  in a commercial context. Visit "Goodies" or "imagebank"  

Image Bank 共享圖庫

boto bank們 已把為數達四萬多張自有原創圖片以 "UM Free Image License" 自由圖像授權協定方式發佈, 我們將繼續把庫存軟片圖庫數碼化, 並增添新作以回饋公眾
lmost  forty  thousands of original photos or images created by our colleagues are now released to the pubic free of charge under our "UM Free Image License". These are only part of our portfolio. We keep digitalizing our archived stock fotos in conventional film format and adding newly created images to our image library. It's estimated that more than ten thousand images are kept in our studio and we believe that they aren't just  some kind of artwork but may serve as documentation of the development of our world in the last 40 years. Just click and view.. 

Video Works 影音作坊

videoworks 全新自製短片圖庫推出,一如過往,我們不斷推陳出新.不為創做另一網絡神話,但求為創意工業帶來更多選擇,歡迎自由下載作分享參考用 (須保留版權印記)Newly unveiled AV library will certainly give more choices for web building. We're not going to create another legend like "youtube", but we're willing to try our best to contribute to the creative industry as what we've done in the past twenty years. 

Blog 網誌 new content 

um bloggers在 心為志, 發言為詩, 原來古人心聲所至, 自然成詩, 即所謂出於天籟是也, ..... 不平則鳴, 文窮後工, 千古不易之理. 雖然網上之言, 難免有遊戲虛假嘻笑怒罵成份, 惟有關大是大非者, 本網誌眾博客, 皆深明何謂大節不逾矩之理,既有所為亦有所不為.....
Our blog has proved to be an effective platform for our members to air their views and even grievances. Click the following link to see how they feel and thnk. 

UM Blogger 網誌編輯組

Comming Soon 

In addition to the above sites, we're going to build a lot more sites catering for people of different interest free of charge.

Epic of Vision for the Month 每月書畫小品

 The Fading Memory (NTK L E)  淡去的記憶 - 牛下


“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, 

it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, 

it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, 

it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness.”

- Charles Dickens,  Tale of Two Cities

This video created by Free Video to Flash Converter

1. Source of video: free video from <>
2. Archived works of "Epic of  Vision for the Month" can be found at

What's New? 最新情報

newly releasedOfficial Inauguration of Our Newly Constructed  Free Video Web at   <  影音廊正式啟動

- 22/5/2009

The final test for the data and functionality integrity of our free video sharing site <> was completed. It will host our video exercises or demos for public sharing free of charge under our "UM Free Art License". They're created by us just for fun or practice but not for commercial purpose. For watching  the video clips, your browser must be equipped with flash player, java and active x activated. To have a preview, you may click the following url. 

<影音廊>已正式啟動,所有短片皆屬本公司同事或業務伙伴原創作自娛或實驗習作之用,依"UM Free Art License"(UM 自由藝術作品授權協定)供非商業之自由分享發放,需先行裝置 flash 播放器、java 及啟動 active x 以便觀賞,並需保持耐性,以便接收大量訊息。



Ever New Look of Our Site 不斷更新面貌,網站離線瀏覽版

We keep updated our web site to make it looks more gorgeous with some new but well established technology compatible to most prevailing browsers like CSS and XML. For the best viewing effect, your browser should be java enabled and installed with plugins of quicktime, acrobat reader and flash player. The latest version is highly recommended for security reason. As what we always insist, you should have no problem in browsing our web page with computer of the minimum configuration in the current period. CD image of our main website 2009 is also available for our registered customers. Please ask for a free copy if you'd like to browse our website offline. 
本網站網頁不斷更新, 新網頁會採用CSS 和 XML 等較先進技術,請加裝有關插件以便獲得最佳觀賞效果,一如既往,溜覽我們的網站,只需現時最基本的電腦設備。新網站2009亦製成光碟方便離線溜覽,歡迎 客戶登記索取。

- 24/9/2008


Our Committment to Creativity 我們對創新的理念

av_clip/creation_icon.gifFor more than two decades,  we've been working hard to achieve the seamless fusion of  old with new, east with west  and art with science. Neither a clumsy mixture nor  a simple crossover can satisfy us.  We've never thought that we 've really made it.  Yet we've tried our best to approach it without regret.

In this approximately 36sec promotion  trailer in  mpg-1 file of 4.3MB,  we not only show our committment to creative industry (Quicktime needed)., but also demonstrate a low cost production of mutimedia ad on the internet is simple and possible. More samples are available. Just click and check. 

在20年的歲月裡,我們曾努力不 懈地嘗試,揉合現代和傳統、東方和西方、藝 術和科技,我們不敢奢言成功、或滿足於簡單 的混合、以至笨拙的結合,但卻無悔追 尋這36秒的動畫, 表達我們對創作的理念, 也展示低成本創作之可能. 網頁內有更多我們的創作樣本.

Locate Us  到訪我們

You are always welcome to visit our shop and workshop during the office hours.

  • monday-friday: 9:30am - 6:30pm
  • saturday: 9:30am -1:30pm
  • sunday & holiday: off

index/061021_gift gallery digital workshop digital_studio.html

Main Shop & Office
97-97A, 1/F, Hunghom Square, 37-39 Matauwai Rd., Hunghom,
23659900;  27662244
Fax: 27662200
Digital Workshop
62, G/F, Hunghom Square, 37-39 Matauwai Rd., Hunghom,
Digital Studio
A1-08, 5/F., Phase I, Hangfung Ind. Bldg, 2G, Hokyuen St., Hunghom,
Kln, HK
(for internal production only)

Special Notices  特別通告

Notice to Purchase Card Holders

credit card
  • Please be informed that with immediate effect upon the posting of this notice,  we have ceased to  accept the "HKBC (Hong Kong & Shanghai Banking Corporation) purchase card". All merchandisers of Government Departments or subsidised organizations  please use the purchase card of Unite Overseas Bank and maintain adquate credit in the account. Thank you very much for your attention and cooperation.
  • 本公司由此通告刊登日起 即時停止接受 "匯豐銀行採 購咭 ", 敬請各政府部門或資助機構採購員改以"大華銀行採 購咭"支付有關賬項, 並確保戶口內備有足夠信用額. 多謝合作.
    Ref.: Notice 070426a
    April 26, 2007

Technical Notice to Internet Visitors

tech knowhow
  • Our web pages or e-catalogues are better viewed with java enabled I.E. 7, Netscape 7.x or Firefox 2.x with plugins including  acrobat reader 5, quicktime player and flashplayer or all their later versions.
  • For viewing PDF catalogue, computer with 512MB on board and acrobat reader 7.x installed is preferable. If  still you cannot view them within your browser, right click your mouse on the URL and choose "save link target as" for downloading the file to your harddisk.

Security Notice to All Customers

  • To ensure the quality of our services, we have installed CCTV (AV)/Telephone monitoring & recording system  All the recording will be treated strictly confidential in accordance to our privacy policy. Click HERE  for details.
  • 為 確保一切交易履行準確無誤, 本公司已裝設閉路電視(影音)/電話監錄系統, 所有音像紀錄按本供司私隱政策保密處理,詳情請由"" 登入

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