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營生乏術,又豈能奢談理想, 何妨先登入有關我們商業服務的網頁, 看看我們的業務.
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What is now
proved was once only imagined.
Blake, The Mariage of Heaven and Hell
In the past twenty years, we keep exploring the feasibility of advanced computer technology in the creative industry. We are not fanatic to high sounding frontier scientific achievement. Cost effectiveness is a major criterion in judging the applicability of the new technology for the actual production. Since 1994, we started to study the feasibility of Desktop printing on Wintel machine, which was relatively less advanced but cost much less. As a matter of fact, a lot of simple print jobs like hot blocking or stationery printing did not need very powerful computer. Now the development has proved we made a right move. Wintel machine or its compatible is no longer an inferior system. Only very little "hardliners" people still doubt the feasibility of Wintlel machine in desktop printing and even multimedia production. Even in the era when Wintel was slower, the lower cost of storage enabled us to host the data for our customer and in turn the customer was benefited for not necessary to pay artwork charge once an again on repeat-orders. To adapt ourselves in this new context, not until the new amended copyright ordinance came into effect, in 1997, we set up our code of practice and release working guidelines for both our staff and customers. The code of practice and working guidelines incorporated the concept of intellectual property protection and privacy protection into our operation. (Refer to our web page "support 1-3". Click here to view a refined version with some minor amendment to the original one). Our services are featured by the following: 1. All the artworks are stored in digital format so that their
quality won't deteriorate over time. 我們從不盲目追求高新科技而忘卻成本效益, 數碼工作室提供切實可行的方案;我們採用先進的電腦桌面出版技術來取代以往複雜的印前工序如植字、排版、繪圖、特別效果、甚至製作多媒體檔案;桌面出版技術具有以下特點: |
more than
two decades, we've
working hard to achieve
the seamless fusion of old with new, east with west
and art with science. Neither a
clumsy mixture nor a
simple crossover can satisfy us. We've never thought that
we 've really made it. Yet
we've tried our
best to
approach it without regret.
In this approximately 36sec promotion trailer in mpg-1 file of 4.3MB, we not only show our committment to creative industry (Quicktime needed)., but also demonstrate a low cost production of mutimedia ad on the internet is simple and possible. More samples are available. Just click and check.
在20年的歲月裡,我們曾努力不 懈地嘗試,揉合現代和傳統、東方和西方、藝 術和科技,我們不敢奢言成功、或滿足於簡單 的混合、以至笨拙的結合,但卻無悔追 尋這36秒的動畫, 表達我們對創作的理念, 也展示低成本創作之可能. 網頁內有更多我們的創作樣本.