Without business, we
won't be able to keep the web going. For
more information about our business services, click the above links to
visit our web pages.
營生乏術,又豈能奢談理想, 何妨先登入有關我們商業服務的網頁, 看看我們的業務.
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Nothing has really happened until it has been recorded. -
Woolf, quoted in Harold Nicolson, Diarie
We started to use
email since 1994 but we did not go
crazy during the Millieum IT bubble. We built our own web-site in
March, 2004 when the cost of web hosting fell to a reasonable level. At
the very beginning, the web not only serves as a commercial show case
but also a channel for us to contribute to the IT and creative
industry. From time to time, on our "freedownload In our wish list, the following jobs are ranked the highest priority:
We believe the words of mouth speaks louder than paid advertisement. Our clients range from walk-in individuals to corporate customers, social service organization, education institution and government departments. Most of them come by referral from old customers. We have strong knowledge background in both the traditional arts & crafts and modern technology relating to advertising, printing and information technology. We also have good connection with a number of reliable vendors who are direct producers or technical personnels working on job-order basis. Therefore, our operation cost is minimized and out perform those sales-oriented advertising companies. Our colleagues can provide you a direct and concrete advice about the feasibility of a production plan or we can work out a number of solutions for your choices. If you are in need of such services, please call us on 852-2365 9900 during office hours and make an appointment with us at your convenience. "UOB(United Overseas Bank) Purchase Card" is welcome for all Government Departments or Corporations. 「明心 齋」成立於1987年,「齋」本義為書室或工藝創作坊(國人皆多明其意,港人以「齋」為「素菜」,是誤解字義),原從事工藝品之銷售及廣告宣傳禮品 之生產,並以現代之生產概念和技術結合傳統工藝,現時業務已擴展至各類廣告製作及印刷等;我們更不斷開發新的技術提升成本效益,如桌面出版及數碼圖像多媒 體的應用等。客戶遍及政府部門、社會服務團體及工商機構。憑藉我們對各種工藝技術的認識與及廣泛之商業連繫,免除大部份中間人之費用,以低於傳統廣告公司 的成本提供產品和服務。如有任何查詢,請致電(852) 23659900,當盡所能給予解答。政府部門或各大機構歡迎使用"大華銀行採購咭" (由2007年4月26日起,停止接受匯豐採購咭)。 |
Branch | Address: |
Main Shop & Office |
97-97A, 1/F, Hunghom Square, 37-39 Matauwai Rd.,
Hunghom, Kln, HK SAR |
Digital Workshop |
Square, 37-39 Matauwai Rd.,
Hunghom, Kln, HK SAR |
Digital Studio |
A1-08, 5/F., Phase I, Hangfung Ind. Bldg, 2G, Hokyuen St., Hunghom, Kln, H K (Effective since Jan28, 2006) |