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Comming Soon
Digital Photography 數碼攝影
is now proved was once only imagined.
Blake, The Mariage of Heaven and Hell
missinng the finest grain of
roll film and resist to accept the quality of digital photos?
Now it's the time to change your prejudice against digital photography.
At least, most pro-sumer DCs can beat the 35mm traditional film camera
easily in terms of photo print quality or money cost.
The left preview photo was composed of a series of digital photos taken
by a 5MP DC on a sunny day in 2004. We'd licensed to our customer
printing outdoors vinyle banner of the size up to 4ft x 20ft and proved
to exhibit amazing
quality without any complaint. The quality of digital photos taken with
the latest digital camera can
now match up with those taken by 35mm cameras. For instance,
the quality of a 5 mega pixel foto printed at 120dpi
expressed in terms of
the visibility of grain is somewhat identical to the print enlarged
with 35mm film. The cost of printing has been getting lower over
digital photos or images can be stored on disk or CDR
permanently without deterioration. They can be easilty
with others or processed for publishing purposes.
On the contrary,
traditional film, slide or photo must be "scanned" into the computer
before they are being processed. Now we have completely replace 35mm
or even 6x6 cm film camera with digital cameras in taking foto of size
up to A3 (i.e.
at 300dpi for offset printing). Check our latest
extra-large poster by visiting our free image web site "http://ImageBank.um-gallery.net"
在一般數碼相機的質素已能跟 35mm 甚至 6x6cm 相機看齊或超越,以35mm
作網頁、印刷品或簡報幻燈片之用,甚至可以將圖像修改或加添特殊效果。我們採用 10.2 MP
級別數碼攝影機製作商品目錄,解像度(精度)相當接近傳統 6 x 7cm 底片的質素, 加快工作流程外,更節省成本。
品去網能力都非常出色,適合高質印刷的要求。欲審視數碼視影的效果, 可往我們的共享圖庫-"http://ImageBank.um-gallery.net"
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