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Money is not all that matters!.


- 24/7/2010

Your might not know much about freewares or "open source movement", but you must know "Linux" and "internet".  Many programmers have contributed their work freely to other people for not even a few words of appreciation under "GPL" (General Public Licence). In the world of art and design, some artists are doing the same things; they offer their works to the public free of charge under "creative common licence." They make the world more beautiful. Don't think that what they offer is irrelevant. The backbone of interenet is built on the basis of freewares like Unix, Linux and Apache. To know more about their world and philosophy , click the above icon to enter our "freestuff" page.

Since 2006, we started to make our contribution to the community of free culture by building up our own free sharing sites including:

<imagebank.um-gallery.net> and

Our creative works are offered to the general public at no cost on these sites. Knowledge and imaging are our specialties so we offer them as a documentary record witnessing the development of our world. At the end of 2007, we built an unofficial site voluntarily for Hunghom Commercial Centre where our company located. The site <http://hhcc.um-gallery.net> has been serving as a plateform for communication among all owners and tenants and a provisional information centre for customers. The latest site we build is <essence.um-gallery.net>, which hosts carefully selected ancient chinese books in the public domain for the reference of youngsters and chinese culture lovers.

We would like to demonstrate  that free culture is not contradictory to the intellectual property right and private ownership which have been abused and dirverted to a wrong direction adverse to the interest of the general public. Our philosophy and rationale are summaried in a number of essay written by our colleagues. To learn how we think, click the following URLs which link you to  their corresponding essays telling the philosophy behind our actions:

《Introduction to Freeware:》

《Free Art:》

《Art without Boundary》:

《Opinion on the Review of Copyright Ordinance 2007》

《Opinion on the Amendment to the Copyright Ordinance 2010》

金錢又豈是 一切, 很多默默運行著的軟件, 原是來自一些無私學者和程式編寫員的無償貢 獻, 莫以為那些都是無關重要的爛貨, 如今用作構築互聯網骨幹的操作系統和伺服器程式, 大部份都是這些自由軟件.從事藝術創作的工作者,亦同樣向公眾無嘗發放作品,令世界變得更美麗。

登入我們的 "freestuff" 網頁, 嘗試接觸他們的世界和想法. 

自2006年起,我們以實際行動回饋社會作為參與推廣自由分享文化的其中一分力量,我們以本身原創作品建立 <http://blog.um-gallery.net> <http://imagebank.um-gallery.net> 及 <http://videoworks.um-gallery.net> 等三個分享網站,2007年底義務為公司所在之商廈建立一非官方網站 <http://hhcc.um-gallery.net>,2010年初,再為中小學生及國學愛好者建立一古籍之網上文庫- 《含英咀華國學文存》<http://essence.um-gallery.net>,為保存推廣中國公共領域遺產盡一點綿力。


What is New and Hot for Free Stuff?

what's new and hot

New Sponsor for
Essence of Chinese Reading in Public Domian

- 20/10/2010 -

essence of chinese readingA new mirror site is sponsored by "Hung Hom Society for Community Orgainzation". The site is catering to school goers for enhancing their  chinese literacyand kowledge in the heritage of our ancestors. The idea of building a site providing readers the archives of chinese books in the public domain is originated from our bloggers who are disappointed by the deteriorating language power of our younger generation. Click the image to see how they work together to rectify the situation. The site is sponsored by our compnay.

蒙”紅磡社會服務聯會”提供網存及頻寬資源建立鏡像網站,已即時啟動。有 感於年青人的中文及國學水平不斷下降,我們的博客及協辦機構,對現今語文教育深表失望,欲seal設 一簡單方便的虛擬文庫,免費提供已無版權的公共領域中文古籍給公眾人士閱讀參考,點擊左圖或上示文 庫名稱看他們如可坐言起行。

Free Download
pdf Images Created & Released by Uncle Ming's Gallery under 
"UM Free Image License"

For the promotion of conservation of environment, every year we created a few series ofcalendars with photographs of nature selected from our imagebank for free download and even non-profit making purpose  in a commercial context. Just keep our logo or license declaration intact if there is any. Your may freely distribute or reproduce but don't charge any money for the use of these free artwork. The following is series 1. For more versions, pls visit our free image site:


為提升環保及愛護大自然意識,每年我們都設計多個系列的年曆,採用我們拍攝的自然風景及生物為背景,供公眾人仕免費下載及使用,只須保留我們商標及授權 印記,不以這些圖稿向第三者收費,歡迎分發及複製。下面為系列一之圖稿,更多圖稿已陸續在我們之共享圖庫發佈,歡迎參觀下載:


Business Promotion Info 商業推廣情報

Inflation, Where's it?
 通脹?  那裡那裡?
1000copies of A4/A3 Color Leaflet by CTP printing at
 $500 or even LOWER  for  1000copies
- Artwork production exclusive
- Direct output to lithographic plate

- Screen repetition up to 200 lpi
- Same quality as conventional offset printing
Again, inflation, Where's it?
 通脹?  那裡那裡?
Outdoors Vinyl  Banners at
  $4/sq ft  only
- Effective since July 1, 2006 until NOW
- Price valid for tif, jpg or bmp image file at 72dpi or higher 
- UV and Water proof
- 600dpi (Enhanced Mode) in full color

And again, inflation, Where's it?
通脹?  那裡那裡?
 Click HERE and check out inkjet printing prices. No trick, hidden cost. Based on the formula, you can work out the cost before placing your order
適用最為客戶樂用之 噴墨大度輸出打印服務, 不取巧, 無隱藏收費, 詳情由登入

Special Offer來樣訂造水晶座
Custom Made Crystal Trophy
at $100 or up

- "A" grade crystal
- Logo & Characters by Laser engraving or sand-grinding
- State of art craftmanship in cutting and polishing

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