生乏術,又豈能奢談理想, 何妨先登入有關我們商業服務的網頁, 看看我們的業務.
Without business, we
won't be able to keep the web going. For
more information about our business services, click the above links to
visit our web pages.
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The law of universe always supplements the deficiency by reducing the excess while the law of human always favours the affluent but harms the poor . 天之道, 損有餘而益不足, 人之道, 損不足而益有餘
- Lao-tzu 老子 (A chinese philosopher
in Spring and Autumn Period) Energy spontaneously tends to flow only from being concentrated in one place to becoming diffused or dispersed and spread out. (The entropy of the universe tends to a maximum) 熱能永遠從能量高(高溫)處擴散往能量低(低溫)處至完全平均分佈為止 (宇宙之熵值(亂度)必趨向達最大值為止). - The 2nd law of thermo dynamics 熱力學第二定律 |
new site catering to school goers for enhancing their literacy in
chinese and kowledge in the heritage of our ancestors is now officially
unveiled to the public. The idea of building a site providing readers
the archives of chinese books in the public domain is originated from
our bloggers who are disappointed by the deteriorating language power
of our younger generation. Click the image to see how they work
together to rectify the situation. The site is sponsored by our compnay.
一簡單方便的虛擬文庫,免費提供已無版權的公共領域中文古籍給公眾人士閱讀參考, 點擊左圖或上示文
在心為志,發言為詩, 原來古人心聲所至, 自然成詩, 即所謂出於天籟是也,
..... 不平則鳴, 文窮後工,
千古不易之理. 雖然網上之言, 難免有遊戲虛假嘻笑怒罵成份, 惟有關大是大非者, 本網誌眾博客,
Our blog has proved to be
effective platform for our members to air their views and even
grievances. Click the following link to see how they feel and
Our free video sharing site <http://videoworks.um-gallery.net>
hosts our video
exercises or demos for public sharing free of charge under our "UM
Free Art License". They're created
by us just for fun or practice but not for commercial purpose. For
watching the video clips, your browser must be equipped with
flash player, java and active x activated. To have a preview, you may
click the following url.
<影音廊> 所有短片皆屬本公司同事或業 務伙伴原創作自娛或實驗習作之用,依"UM Free Art License"(UM 自由藝術作品授權協定)供非商業之自由分享發放,需先行裝置 flash 播放器、java 及啟動 active x 以便觀賞,並需保持耐性,以便接收大量訊息。