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Knowledge itself is power.

- Sir Francis Bacon, of heresies


PART 1: FAQ about Scanning 圖像素描

Q1. How should I set the DPI resolution of image in scanning? 素描時應如何選定解像度?
Q2. Why the charge for scanning service by drum scanner is so expensive? 為何滾桶式素描器如此昂貴
Q3. What graphic format should I choose in storing my scanned image? 素描圖像應以何種格式儲存

PART 2: FAQ about hardware and software plateform for graphics workstations.  電腦圖形工作站平台問題

Q1. Are x86PCs too slow? x86PCs 會否太慢?
Q2. Is it true that the OS and application software on x86 compatible PCs are obsolete relative to their competitors so the quality of output cannot be ensured? x86兼容個人電腦上之操作系統和應用軟件是否較落後不足應付高質素之輸出?
Q3. x86PCs or compatible is cheaper. Does it means that the quality of the hardware is not good enough to serve as a graphic workstation? IBM兼容個人電腦用的硬件都是廉價貨式質素較差不能作圖形工作站之用。
Q4. Is it possible for me to output my artwork created on x86PC or compatible to film? I was told that most imagesetters does not support x86PCs or compatible?.  聞說菲林輸出機並不支援IBM兼容個人電腦,是否屬實?
Q5. If all the above arguments are true, should I replace all the current workstations by x86PCs or compatible? 如果以上論點皆屬實情,現在是否適當時機更換全部機種?

Part 3: FAQ about computer file format 電腦檔案格式常見問題

Q1. Files created on a certain hardware plateform cannot be used on others. Is it true? If this is true, data cannot be exchanged among different kinds of computer.  不同平台上的檔案無法交換使用,對嗎?
Q2. Why a file created on a computer very often cannot produces exactly the same print out on another computer eventhough they use the same software?

PART 1: FAQ about Scanning 圖像素描

Q1. How should I set the DPI resolution of image in scanning?
Ans.: Too many people confuse the DPI setting for printer with their counter part for scanner. Actually, they refer to two totally different things. A dot is a purely a dot on a printer while a dot to which a scanner refers is a pixel (or sampling area) which is composed of tremendous number of dots. To put it in a simple way, If you want to reproduce a pixel on a scanned image in 32 bit color with a printer, at least your printer must print a matrix of 16 x 16 dots in each color (ie. CMYK). All these four color matrixes together will form a pixel in certain color in human nake eyes Therefore, choosing a resolution setting which is too high cannot improve the printing quaaltity but only exhaust your memory. Very often, it is the scanning technology that does matter indeed. In our experience, an image in original size captured by drum scanner at 100dpi is even better than an image scanned at 600dpi by low end flat bed scanner. You may refer to annex 5 of our customer support for the optimal image resolution for different output devices. For instance, if the image is used for making CMYK color separation film, 300dpi or 350dpi resolution (1:1 scale) will assure the quality of output. However, for low resolution device like vinyle banner printer, 50 or 72 dpi (1:1 scale) is enough
問1.: 素描時應如何選定解像度?
答1: 很多人誤將素描器及打印機之DPI 混為一談,實際上,打印機之點確是單純一個墨點,但素描器上的所謂點,應該稱為像素,例如一個32bit 色深之像素,打印機或印刷機需疊印四個16 乘16 點四原色矩陣,才能在肉眼中顯現出來。素描時,採用過高解像度,徒然浪費記憶體。影響素描質素的還有素描器採用之技術,如無需放大,用滾桶式素描器取之 100dpi 圖像,質素更勝600dpi 用廉價CCD 平台式素描器擷取之圖像。實際需求,視乎輸出用途而定,例如分色片需求為300dpi 圖像,而戶外橫額只為50dpi 或72dpi 便足夠。

Q2. Why the charge for scanning service by drum scanner is so expensive?
Ans.: The quality of images scanned by drum scanner is self-explaining. Never expect that a CCD or CMOS flat-bed scanner can do the same thing as a drum scanner. Compare the real outputs and you will see the difference.
問2:為何滾桶式素描 器如此昂貴
答2: 質素已是最佳答案

Q3. What graphic format should I choose in storing my scanned image?
Ans.: You may choose any of the following formats such as TIF, GIF, EPS, BMP JPG or PCX. They are acceptable to most softwares. Despite sacrifice of image quality is inevitable, "jpg" (or jpeg) is now the most popular graphic format on internet for its high compression ratio. To preserve the quality of printing on different platform, "Tif" seems to be the best choice. If there is an optional LZW compression alogorithm available, select it because it reduce the size using the similar alogorithm as "zipping" file data, which does not cause any destruction to the quality of image.
問3:素描圖像應以何 種格式儲存
答3: 應該採用較通用和跨平台之格式如tif, gif, eps, bmp, jpg, pcx 等,其中jpg 是國際網絡上較多採用的,因為壓縮比率高,但質素會有損耗,如需要專業質素,便要採用tif,儲存時如可選擇LZW 壓縮,更可能獲無失真壓縮效果

PART 2: FAQ about hardware and software plateform for graphics workstations.  電腦圖形工作站平台問題

Q1. Are x86PCs too slow?
Ans.: Benchmarking computers is far more complicated than what people think. To make it simple, run the application software and check the time it takes in completing a certain job. Today, no body denies that the high end x86compatible PC can get things done at a speed even faster than some other non x86 graphic work stations. To go a little further, when the speed of most computers have been enhanced to such a high level, for most of the time, a computers is actually waiting for rather than executing the instructions from its user except for some critical job like "ripping"(raster image processing) or multimedia encoding/decoding. It seems that the convergence of i/o devices among different hardware plateforms has narrowed their differences. From the cost-efficiency point of view, x86 compatible PCs seems to lead their rivals.

Supplementary notes (Mar 6, 2006)
The above q&a were writtten in 1997 when x86 PC started to gain momentum in catching up its rival in area like graphic or multimedia production other than office routine work. Not too many people belived that it would be able to succeed. However, we made our own commercial and technical analysis based on our knowledge and inference and boldly concluded that x86 PC would finally come up as an optional choice for graphical and multimedia production. Now, in 2006, our forecasting has become a proven issue in history. Our vision in the future was founded on solid ground in both the area of commerce and technology.  Yet, the most important among all were our deligence and refusal to be fanatic to prominant idol or icon without reservation. Our colleagues kept studying first hand technical documents released from hardware and software vendors and gathering market information from the reliable sources from time to time.  Our commercial knowledge convinced us that the mass market was in need of a cost-effective tool instead of a piece of high end equipment for snob appeal and the size of market and return would finally induce accelerated development. Secondly, the acceptability of a certain technology was always biased to open systems rather than closed systems.

It is also an interesting issue to see that the myth of some kind of cpu architecture being far more superior than other rivals was ended by its creator. As what we mentioned in the former answer to the question, benchmarking the performance of cpu or computer system is too complicated. Without similar plateforms or OSs running on both systems, it is unfair to say that the test result is a fair and objective reflection of the systems in comparision. Furthermore, we admitted that "gadget" is important but not the decisive factor for creative work. wihout idea and knowledge, a super computer is nothing more than a piece of monument.

Now, upon the emergence of Mactel which embraces the Unix system (The kernal of Mac OSX originate from free BSD Unix kernal, Darwin), we start to expect a lot more over Linux or Unix and open source movement. 
問1:x86PCs 會否太慢?
答:電腦速度的比試,較想像中複雜得多,簡單點倒不如看執行軟件的表現,事實上,今日高階x86兼容個人電腦之中/高階型號很多方面已超越其他圖形工作站 如Mac 系列之一些型號。況且, 以正常的運作而言,電腦等待指令之時間更多於執行指令之時間,從成本效益角度看,以x86兼容個人電腦作圖形工作站交對手優勝。

Q2. Is it true that the OS and application software on x86 compatible PCs are obsolete relative to their competitors so the quality of output cannot be ensured?
Ans.: The question itself is obsolete. First of all, it doesn't make any technical sense to make such a vague assertion. There is not just ONE operating system for x86 PCs. If the critic is talking about the phasing-out systems like DOS or windows 3.x, they are right, but unfair because they avoid facing the fact that these two systems had been phased out long time ago. If they are talking about Windows 9x, Windows NT, Windows XP or Linux, they must be fanatic and totally disregard the fact that most of the internet servers are x86 PCs running Linnux. Judging an OS solely by its user interface is naive and dangerous. Available OSs on x86PC or compatible might be less user friendly but more versatile. The most important is that they are all 32/64 bit operating systems which are capable of handling true color digital image data provided that vendors of application software write appropriate driver programs for them. In fact, most popular graphic programs run on different plateforms. Secondly, if they focus on stability, no one dare to say that a certain OS or software is bug-free. To prevent crash from happening on a x86 PCs, uphold the principle of division of labour and limit the functions your computer perform at any one time. Usually, crash is caused by too many softwares running simultaneously on a computer. The same problem does happen on other systems.
       Entering the 21 century, the competition among OSs has been reduced to "windows vs Unix/Linux" situation in the light that Mac OS9.x discontinued to develope while Mac OS X is a Unix based system. The kernal of OS X  is the famous free BSD Unix Kernal called "Darwin", which is supported by a lot of freeware or shareware from the Unix Community. The development of Linux  also gains momentum and becomes viable in office application environment. Still, its lack of application software in creative industries limited its popularity to this group of user. Conclusively speaking, the advocate of superiority of a certain OS over another in the graphical design does not make too much sense now as what we forecasted. Hardware/software plateform is nothing more than a piece of tool. Knowledge and creative idea are the ultimate factors contributing to one's success in the creative industry.   
問2:x86兼容個人 電腦上之操作系統和應用軟件是否較落後不足應付高質素之輸出
答:如果操作系統是指DOS 或Windows 3.x,那確是事實,但不公平,因為還有Windows 9x, Windows NT, Windows XP 或Linux 等, 而這些系統技術上跟設計業沿用機種之操作平台,各有千秋,最重要是它們都支援32 bit CMYK 色彩及Level 3 Postscript 程式語言,足夠應付各式高質印刷需求,而大部份圖形軟件都同時具備多個平台的版本,功能相若。至於穩定性,只要不過分貪心,裝上太多軟件導致衝突,x86 兼容個人電腦之穩定程度還是可以接受的的。在技術世界內,根本就沒有完全除蟲的操作系統或軟件

Q3. x86PCs or compatible is cheaper. Does it means that the quality of the hardware is not good enough to serve as a graphic workstation?
Ans.: Again, this is a misbelief. As there are too many vendors of IBM PCs or compatible making different grades of computer to suit the market need, the price range is widen up and give most people a wrong message that they are cheaper. If you are looking for a computer for doing office routine work, you only have to pay US$300 (HK2500) or even less. However, if you want to work on it for graphic design, you must pay no less than other workstations for attaining parallel performance. High end x86 PC or compatible are not "cheap". Many peripheral devices conforming to the relevant industrial standards such as SCSI, USB, and 1394 firewire can be used on both hardware platforms. We always emphasize that it is the maintenance cost, instead of the initial placement cost that convinces us to consider x86 PCs or compatible as an optional graphic workstation.
問3:X86兼容個人 電腦用的硬件都是廉價貨式質素較差不能作圖形工作站用
答:這是一個誤解,因IBM兼容個人電腦生產商眾多,高低檔次價錢相距極大,而廉價貨式的存在,令人產生這個錯覺;很多符合業界標準的週邊設備皆能同時應 用在不同的硬件平台上,如用上高檔次零件裝配成的電腦,購置成本並不較他們所指的主流工作站便宜,便宜的只是日後維收、保養及升級之成本。

Q4. Is it possible for me to output my artwork created on x86PC or compatible to film? I was told that most imagesetters does not support x86PCs or compatible.
Ans.: False, more and more imagesetter support x86 PCs or compatible. There is also another resolution for output problem. Some format such as EPS, TIF or JPG are portable or cross platform. Ask the output center what kind of format they prefer and that is all
問4: 聞說菲林輸出機並不支援IBM兼容個人電腦,是否屬實?
答:隨時間過去,愈來愈多輸出機支援IBM兼容個人電腦,縱是遇到這情況,也可將檔案輸出成一些可攜性跨平台格式如EPS、PRN、PDF、或TIF 等,問題便可解決。

Q5. If all the above arguments are true, should I replace all the current workstations by x86PCs or compatible?
Ans.: Not at all; if they function well, let them work for you until they break down or too slow to you. You better keep them for three pragmatic reasons. At first, you already paid for it. Secondly, a graphic artist can hardly be identified as a professional without a Mac. It can serve as a token for graphic design industry. Thirdly, too many output devices have worked well with Mac computer for quite a long time. It's not wise to change the whole world in only one day. All the time, we just want to show there are more than one choice for graphic artists in choosing their desktop. At last, as a member working in the field of information technology, we support open system. No wonder "Wintel PC" was then a relatively more open system than others. However, when the unix base Mac Os x replaces the Mac OS9, and the free release of "Solaris" (conditional?) , The competition of OS is expected to  continue. As a matter of fact, we keep exploring the feasibility of Linus as a plateform for desktop publishing.
問5:如果以上論點皆 屬實情,現在是否適當時機更換全部機種?
答:絕非如此,第一,你已付清費用;第二,由於某些機種在設計行業有大量擁戴者,使用相同機種,能令你易於和同行溝通(或埋堆);第三,主流機種已累積大 量穩定之專業輸出器材驅動程式,x86兼容個人電腦一時間仍未能趕上來,我們為大家提供另類選擇,不過是貫徹強調實事求是,不要盲從的精神而已。最後,作 為資訊科技界之一員我們自始至終支持相對較為開放的系統或標準。

Part 3: FAQ about computer file format 電腦檔案格式常見問題

Q1. Files created on a certain hardware plateform cannot be used on others. Is it true? If this is true, data cannot be exchanged among different kinds of computer.
Ans.: This is also a typical intuitive guess. Just think what really happen in the world of internet, computer files in such as "html", "tif", "jpg" or "gif" can be transmitted, viewed and opened on various computer plateforms. Then, what is the truth out there?
There're mainly two critcal factors determining the uniqueness of a computer file, namely the data structure and media format, which belong to the issue on the logical layer of data exchange.
1. Data Structure:
The data structure of files created by a specific software is always unique. This unique structure is necessary for the preservation of some special features of the file and the feasibility of some mainipulations on the data. For instances, "psd" format for "Photoshop", "ai" or"eps" for "Illustrator", "PMx" for "Pagemaker, "cdr" for Coreldraw, etc. In other words, without the required software installed on a computer, a computer file cannot be opened or edited in any way. Sometimes even a file created by a newer version of a certain software is unable to be read by the same software of an older version. However, sometimes softwares provide filter for converting different files into their default format. It's a better than none method thought we don't think that this is a 100% reliable way to handle different kinds of data files.
2.Media format:
Empirical evidences show that media formats are highly correlated to the "operating systems", though someone tends to think that hardware plateform is all that matters. For example, Dos/windows 3.X uses FAT16, Window 9X uses FAT32, Window NT uses "NTFS",  Macintosh use "HFS" as its default format for most of their data storing media such as harddisk and floppy diskette.  Therefore, a "psd" file created on Macintosh cannot be read, opened or edited by "photoshop on a PC running windows 9x. To overcome the problem, some tools have been developed to exchange data across plateforms. With these tools, a wintel PC can read data on a floppy, MO or Zip created by Macintosh and storing them in the media in FAT32 format. Still, files whether or not editable depends on the availability of the corresponding softwares on the PC. Another method to make media format transparent is to put the files on a network with all workstation connect to it conform to the same network protocol. If these two methods are still too complicated, then we advise all users of different hardware plateforms exchange their data with CD in the format of ISO9660 or Joliet, which are compatible to all computer systems as they are industrial standards jointed established by all vendors of computer systems.
問1. 不同平台上的檔案無法交換使用,對嗎?
答: 不對,在互聯網上各類檔案皆能兼容各平台彼此不會,亦無需知到對方用何種電腦, 檔案資訊之交換,主要視乎相關軟件是否已裝置妥當,並受制於儲存媒體之邏輯制式.而不應簡單視作硬件兼容問題.

Q2. Why a file created on a computer very often cannot produces exactly the same print out on another computer eventhough they use the same software?
Ans.: You 're probably talking about the portability of a computer file. By portability, it means the possibility of keeping all the features of a file on dillerent plateforms. "Pdf" file is a prominant example of portable file formats. With the default reader, "Acrobat" provided by "Adobe", we can see and print ,except edit, the same thing on  almost all kinds of computer plateform. Nevertheless, most of the files created by current popular software are not portable. In other words, it might not be possible to print the hardcopy on other computer as its creator thoght  because the setting of each computer concerning typefaces or layout style is very often unique.

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