![]() On Generation Gap and Difference S. Wong 10.5.2018 ....時移世易,現代年青人的角色楷模(role model),用潮人説法,是「玩樂盡情,工作盡心」(play hard, work hard)的成功人士。寓娛樂於工作,玩樂稍微先於工作。步入盛年,重心轉移到事業,次序互易,是「工作盡心,玩樂盡情」(work hard, play hard)了;過了不惑之年,要持盈保泰,便改為「工作盡心,玩樂精明」(work hard, play smart );天命之年後,工作和玩樂都要同樣精明(work smart, play smart),才不致傷身;耳順之年的耆英,應該享受人生,養生之道,是返老還童,玩樂再次放前,工作則盡量放下(play more, work less),這是順應自然規律,人那能拗得過大自然.... |
Review of the Building Management Ordinance (Cap. 344) – Further Legislative Proposals and Administrative Measures Sherman Wong 24/4/2017 The following discourse represent not only my personal perception of the subject matter but also incorporates the views of a quite wide spectrum of people involved. I have kept working closely and exchanging ideas frequently with them as a member of the management committee of incorporated owners including commercial and residential buildings for years. Nevertheless, they are not used to reveal their views openly to the public like the social activist. It is deemed that their voice should be told, heard and taken into consideration in the law reform..... |
《建築物管理條例》(第344章)檢討- 進一步立法建議及行政措施 P Cheng -21/04/2017 ....近年來大型維修不斷出現天價圍標的新聞報導,部份更遭受刑事調查及檢控,尋求法律改革從制度上堵截圍標成為社會上一致的呼聲,我們明白政府面對的 壓力,因 我們在實踐過程中,更是站在最前線面對同樣問題。除了從經驗中學習和吸取教訓,藉著團隊力量想出對策外,我們也希望政府能從立法、執法及司法上提供協 助.... |
Myths of Democracy 民主迷思 Democracy has replaced communism and socialism as the icon of Utopia in the last two decades since the collapse of Soviet Union. Since then, the democratic advocates is getting bolder and more confident in their conviction.....However, in the writers' opinion, their understanding of democracy is based on a lot of myths without much deliberation. The general public are not well informed of the practical problems arising from a series of internal conflicts .....When democracy is kidnapped by ambitious politicians or extremists, it can be as dangerous as other radicalisms for various kinds of corruption. Therefore, the writer expects to voice out the aspiration of some ordinary residents for ending the meaningless debate over ideologies. |
Reverse Sex Discrimination-Its Adverse Social Effects on Legislation and Law Enforcement This article is not intended for demonizing any females or denying the fact that males account for the majority of sex offences but telling the truth that reverse sex discrimination is equally evil as sex discrimination and now reverse sex harassment/assault is not remote to us. ....The reverse sex discrimination against males of low and middle class cannot remedy the exploitation and oppression of females by the wealthy and upper class. ....When a male victim of reverse sexual assault is wrongfully convicted guilty for gender biased law, practice or policy, we should feel shameful for claiming that we have a fair and just legal system and denouncing the religion and culture of those places where female survivors of sexual assault are discriminated by the society. At least their law penalize the victimizer. If no body can give a good reason to convince those males who are both the victims of sexual assault and gender discrimination, some day somehow the repercussion will cause the society as a whole to pay off their overdoing in the rectification of sex discrimination against females. |
Open Appeal for Law Reform To Curb Lawsuit Abuse Arising from Copyright Protection No matter how frivolous and practically moonshine the allegation is, there are little choices available to him for self-defense at affordable cost according to the prevailing legal procedure before or after the 2009 judicial reform, not to mention the possibility of penalizing the frivolous litigant. ....Why should we strive to be a fanatic follower of such a corrupted and ridiculous system blamed even by their citizens without reservation? |
-24/6/2010 .....公地管理問題,早在六十年代已有學者稱為公地悲劇(tragedy of common, 最先由Garrett Hardin 在1968年於科學雜誌(Science)上發表),自此皆認為是無法解決的災難,問題依性質歸納為三種模式(註1),解決方法是全面私有化或公有化,即 是單一業權或完全歸政府管有,直至近年在研究得到突破及實踐上相繼出現一些成功例子後,才變得較為樂觀,2009年諾貝爾經濟學獎兩位得獎人其中一位女學 者埃莉諾·奧斯特羅姆 (Elinor Ostrom),正是以解決公地管理問題的研究成果獲獎,她提出八大原則來處理公地問題..... |
Letter to MPF Scheme Authority -06/5/2010 ..........It is deemed that the government should also be liable for the abuse of power of these MPF trustee companies. All the ordinance was made under the influence of lobbiers of these trustee companies on the assumption that they were all faultless, ethical, reliable, responsible and trust worthy. There is no statutory mechanism to check their behavior so that they could bully their customers for high sounding reasons and in the name of law............ |
Opinion on the Amendment to the Copyright Ordinance 2010 (ref: /doc/gov/10/on-copyright_100302) - 3/3/2010 ...we respect copyright and private ownership. Hence we quote and credit the source of free stuff, and pay for commercial products if we choose to use them. However, we object a bad law in the sense that law abiding people do not know how to observe it and evil minded people may abuse it....If the progress brings most of our people the ever graver problems of digital divide, polarization of wealth distribution, monopolization of knowledge, fear of frivolous lawsuit, limitation of freedom in our daily life, etc., how can we be convinced to embrace the digital revolution?....All the aforesaid adverse effects are the result of an imbalance of institution biased to some privileged minority. Some other people support it because they have been misled or misinformed. |
阻街之名與實 28/9/2009 ... 相信絕大部份人士都會知道法律不等同真理,但不少人將具世俗權威而不許可觸犯的法律 ( Authoritative law of the temporal world which people are coerced by the authority to observe),有意無意地跟神聖不可能侵犯的真理 ( True, sacred and eternal law of universe which human beings are unable to violate) 混為一談。...正生書院負責人對這故事當然清楚,但金無足赤,人無至聖,實踐起來仍有疵漏,除了極少數人會在至善和極惡的兩個極端外,世人有多少不是在法律或道德的灰色 地帶中生活?只是程度上或有不同,聲言零容忍的人仕,究竟對現實有多少認識?...... |
-12/7/2009 |
AN EXPLORATION TO A PRACTICAL BUSINESS MODEL FOR THE APPLICATION OF SOLAR ENERGY AS A SUSTAINABLE INDUSTRY IN HONG KONG. - June 20, 2009 ....It always seems that there is an internal conflict between the advertising industry and the conservation of environment because the genuine nature of of advertising is the propagation of consumption and Epicureanism.....The mission of the report was trying to find out a solution for saving the environment without the feeling of the deterioration in the quality of life throughout the process of making changes. |
Free Art -9/2008 Someone claim that the majority of people may enjoy wealth generated from their creative work....Nobody is able to tell if his idea would coinside with someone living and working in elsewhere of the world...Then some people stood up and vowed that this "permission culture" was not the thing they want but that they valued the joy of sharing and recognition of their idea more than money....However, do not confuss "piracy" with "free culture".... |
Art without Boundary - sept, 2008 ....However, as a humble service provider in the creative industry, we are not benefited from the revised copyright ordinance under the current legal framework...To sum up, analogous to the SaaS (Software as a Service), we advocate "AaaS" (Artwork as a Service). And, we believe in sharing. |